A. Santosuosso - Tomasi M., Scientific Knowledge and Social Responsibility, in Valdes (ed.), Handbook Of Bioethical Decisions, Springer (2023)
2023-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; Tomasi, M.
A. Santosuosso A. – M. Giustiniani, Vulnerable defendants: Redefining decision making through the lenses of neuroscience, law and artificial intelligence,
2023-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; Giustiniani, M.
About coevolution of humans and intelligent machines: preliminary notes
2021-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
Bottleneck or Crossroad? Problems of Legal Sources Annotation and Some Theoretical Thoughts
2020-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo; Pinotti, Giulia
Data-driven decision making. Law, ethics, robotics, health,
2020-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
Decidere con l'IA. Intelligenze artificiali e naturali nel diritto
2024-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
Diritto, Scienza, Nuove tecnologie
2021-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; Tomasi, M.
From Biolaw and Technological Innovation in Law
2019-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
From Biolaw to Technological Innovation in Law
2019-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
Intelligenza artificiale e diritto,
2020-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo
La giustizia predittiva: una visione realistica
2022-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; Sartor, G.
New-Generation Templates Facilitating the Shift from Documents to Data in the Italian Judiciary
2023-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; D’Ancona, S.; Furiosi, E.
Scientific Knowledge and Social Responsibility
2023-01-01 Santosuosso, Amedeo; Tomasi, Marta
The Challenge of Innovation in Law: the Impact of Technology and Science on Legal Studies and Practice
2015-01-01 Santosuosso, A.
Vulnerable defendants: Redefining decision making through the lenses of neuroscience, law and artificial intelligence
2023-01-01 Santosuosso, A.; Giustiniani, M.