A 3-d nonlinear time history analysis of a curved bridge
1994-01-01 Dodd, S; Elnashai, A; Izzuddin, B; Calvi, G
A 3-DOF Testing Machine for in-plane Behaviour of Structures
1988-01-01 Calvi, G
A cable-stayed footbridge in Bormio (Italy)
2008-01-01 ; CALVI, Moratti M. D. ; Compagnoni D.; Gian, Michele
A comparative study of displacement, force and pushover-based approaches for design of continuous span bridges
2006-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE; Casarotti, Chiara; SILVA MOURA PINHO, RUI JORGE
A displacement based approach for vulnerability evaluation of classes of buildings
1999-01-01 Calvi, G
A finite element analysis of masonry walls under cyclic actions
1984-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE; Cantu', Ester
A lezione dai terremoti
2010-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE
A methodology for the seismic multilevel assessment of unreinforced masonry church inventories in the Groningen area
2019-01-01 Moratti, Matteo; Gaia, Federica; Martini, Sara; Tsioli, Chrysanthi; Grecchi, Giulia; Casotto, Chiara; Calvi, Gian Michele; Hertog, Dick Den; Calvi, Paolo Martino; Proestos, Giorgio Talotti
A model code for the displacement based seismic design of structures : DBD09 draft subject to public enquiry
2009-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE; Sullivan, Timothy
A novel seismic design strategy for structures with complex geometry
2010-01-01 Lago, A; Sullivan, T; Calvi, G
A Prioritization Scheme for Seismic Intervention in School Buildings in Italy
2007-01-01 Grant, Dn; Bommer, Jj; Pinho, R; Calvi, G; Goretti, A; Meroni, F
A Seismic Performance Classification Framework to Provide Increased Seismic Resilience
2015-01-01 Calvi, G; Sullivan, ; T. J., Welch; D., P.
A Seismic Performance Classification Framework to Provide Increased Seismic Resilience
2014-01-01 Calvi, G; Sullivan, T. J.; Welch, D. P.
A seismic risk classification framework for non-structural elements
2021-01-01 O’Reilly, Gerard John; Calvi, Gian Michele
A study on building damage scenarios for residential buildings in Catania city
1999-01-01 Faccioli, E; Pessina, V; Calvi, G; Borzi, B
Adaptive pushover-based methods for seismic assessment and design of bridge structures
2005-01-01 Casarotti, Chiara; Calvi, GIAN MICHELE; SILVA MOURA PINHO, RUI JORGE
Adeguamento sismico di serbatoi sopraelevati in cemento armato: metodologie di analisi e verifica
2011-01-01 Fagà, E.; Moratti, M.; Calvi, G; Nascimbene, R.
Adeguamento sismico di un ponte in muratura a Macerata
2009-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE; Moratti, M.
Aggiornare norme tecniche e mappe di pericolosità: da che parte si comincia?
2014-01-01 Calvi, Gm; Stucchi, M.; Bazzurro, P
Amplificazione della risposta simica nelle pile dei ponti
1987-01-01 Calvi, GIAN MICHELE